Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fake Christmas

Yesterday is was Christmas in our house, well fake Christmas. It seems we have started a tradition of this event when the in laws are in town and taking a break from sailing the 7 seas. The Grand daughters love it, they cash in big time and get spoilt rotten by the Grands, Capt'n Dicko and Grandita, plus their uncles.

So the Christmas tree gets pulled down from the loft and the lights are all set up plus the tinsel is spread around and the mince pies are in the oven. All this happens on Fake Christmas eve over a few festive drinks of course into the wee hours. The only difference is you can't get the kids to bed as they know Santa isn't coming on Fake Christmas!

Just like on Christmas morning the kids are up at the crack of dawn waking the house and ripping open the paper in a flurry of mania under the Christmas tree. The adults are all bleary eyed and slightly hung over and wincing as the noise level rises very high with squeals and horns blowing. Who ever thought that buying horns was a great idea is now seriously rethinking that move! (It wasn't me)

So onto the amazing lunch complete with decorated table and crackers to pull with all the bad jokes, over indulgence of food and wine and paper hats that never fit anyones head (there is a reason why Christmas is only once a year).

In the afternoon friends pop over and James Bond movies are played with people dozing in the corner only to wake feeling revived and ready to carry on again.

Today is fake Boxing Day, more turkey and food but definatley a more sombre mood in the house, I know I hoping for an afternoon snooze...

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Katherine Buckley said...

Fake Christmas! I can see us having one of those this year! I bet the kids get spoilt but ultimately it is the kids who overindulge! Awesome.